Feedin' Them Hope
Streets Alive Mission offers a safe and welcoming location for individuals to come in to get warm or cool down, have refreshments, or a change of clothes. A place where they are treated with dignity and respect and can build relationships. A much needed sanctuary to briefly escape life on the streets and have hope fed into their life. With no appointments required anyone in need of support can access the Streets Alive Mission for support, resources and referrals.

Takin' It To The Streets
The outreach team provides nourishment to the mind, body and soul for individuals on the street. They also assist in cleaning up our community to keep it beautiful. Streets Alive Mission Outreach Team take to the streets in the areas of our city that they are most needed. They adjust the work they do based on the community needs.

P.I.N. Bank
The P.I.N. Bank (which stands for People In Need), not only supplies clothing to people in need, it provides another tool where we can get to know people.
The PIN is the workhorse of the Mission and gives our clients a much needed sanctuary to briefly escape life on the streets and have the opportunity to relax and find clothes that not only will suit their needs but their personality as well.

Foot Friday
People who have no fixed address often suffer from a condition called “Street Feet”, which is painful and unhealthy. Foot Fridays at Streets Alive is a program where volunteers offer foot care – warm foot soak, trimmed nails, treatment of mild foot ailments, plus a pair of clean socks and good shoes.

Inner Works
Inner Works provides a safe non-judgemental worship community for anyone wanting to grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus Christ. The music, teaching and unconditional love experienced in our worship center creates a God-centered community where everyone is welcome.

Care Cuts
Care Cuts restores dignity to those in need. This is a salon where our clients can not only get their hair washed and cut by professional volunteer stylists, but they receive much needed contact, care, and the knowledge that they are worthy of such treatment.

Trusteeship Program
Helping people grow in their financial stability by serving as their Financial Guardian.
The Trusteeship Program grows client’s dignity by enabling them to find financial stability, which helps to move them gradually out of poverty and into a place where they can maintain their own financial future.
All funds are deposited in a trust account. Each individual works with our trustee officer to develop a budget to ensure the client’s funds sustain them throughout the month. This budget ensures that critical expenses are looked after (rent, telephone, utilities) to protect the client and keep them safe.
The financial counselling clients receive will help them develop the skills necessary to manage their finances independently. This is mandatory for all residents of Streets Alive Mission’s supportive housing facilities.

bring HOPE today