Men's Life Recovery Program
EXODUSExodus Men’s Life Recovery Program is about leaving the past behind and finding new healthy relationships with family, peers, mentors, and, most importantly, with God. Our Exodus program is a faith-centered, abstinence-based program which walks with men through the process to change their lives. Programming concentrates on group therapy, accessing counselling, work skills, literacy upgrading, and financial stability. It is designed to heal the brokenness of their lives.
Recovery is Real
Streets Alive Mission currently operates men’s and women’s housing programs which are current designates for use of the Recovery Road Program. Housing and Recovery Programs are Faith-based abstinence programs set within the community of Lethbridge Alberta.
Recovery Road is a four-phase supportive housing and addictions recovery program. The estimated timeline to complete the program from Phase one through Phase three, is approximately six months. Phase four begins and ends based on individual participation of clients. Phase four has no timeline for completion.
Our goal is to provide our clients with support, compassion, a safe space, and the time required to enable them to heal, grow and learn how to live life in a healthy fashion. We believe that with provisions of a continuum of care through a complete recovery program, participants will achieve success.

Recovery Road
Application Form
Recovery is Real
Road to Recovery
How to Find the Perfect Pet
The Recovery Road Program provides both individual counselling, psycho-educational presentations, Spiritual Care, and group processing sessions. Working together with other agencies within our community, we will be capable of facilitating all aspects of need for suitable applicants.
- Post Detox/ Pre-treatment
- First Stage Supportive Housing (Approximately 30 days)
- Treatment Plan Establishment (Treatment date, or acceptance into treatment, date pending)
- Supportive Living at Parkside Home with 24-hour staff presence
- Room & Board
- Restrictive Schedule
- Weekly journaling
- Purpose Filled Daily Activities
- Mandatory Volunteer Participation
- Complete Recovery Program (Psycho-Ed/ Psycho-Dynamic Groups/Spiritual Care, one on one counselling, 12 step included in program)
- Staff or approved volunteer accompaniment always
- Preparatory Therapeutic Approach
- Financial Trusteeship Program
- -Post Treatment
- Second Stage Supportive Housing/Recovery program (90 days)
- Room & Board
- Basic Life Skills Training
- Complete Recovery Program (Psycho-Ed/ Psycho-Dynamic Groups/Spiritual Care, 12 step included in program)
- Daily guided Journaling
- Health & Wellness/ Legal appointment Support
- Goal Setting Program, monthly client review
- 24/7 Access to Recovery Support Staff
- Closely Monitored Case Management
- One on One Counselling
- Financial Trusteeship Program
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Family Visitation Support
- Third Stage Recovery Housing (30+ days)
- Supportive Living
- Daily Recovery Programming (attendance required when not actively in workforce or job ready program)
- Weekly Journaling
- Advanced Life Skills Training
- Job Ready Program (Resume, Skills Training, Financial Management, Job Search, Interview Skills)
- Workforce Program
- One on One Counselling
- Trusteeship Program
- Self Empowerment Focus
- Increased opportunity for visitation support (approval based)
- Additional responsibilities
- Supportive Living
- Minimum 30 days employment/Schooling required for entry
- Step work progression or completion required for entry
- Minimum meeting requirements
- Service responsibilities
- No timeline for completion
For more information
Contact Cam Kissick
Fax: 403-320-1060