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Streets Alive Mission
OFFICE Address:
323 – 4th St. S.
Lethbridge, AB T1J 1Z9
MAILING Address:
P.O. Box 1474
Lethbridge, AB T1J 4K2
Phone: (403) 320-1159
Regular Hours
OFFICE Drop-Off Times:
Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm,
Back Door (ring buzzer).
OFFICE Client Hours:
Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm,
closed for lunch, front door.
Monday-Saturday, 9am-4pm,
Closed for lunch.
Back Alley (Knock at back door)
Please help us to be a positive influence in the community by dropping off items ONLY when the Donation Centre is open.
Foot Fridays
Friday nights – 6:30-8:00pm.
Enter through the front door of the Mission.
The Outreach Team will transport people to the Mission if needed.
If you have any questions, please phone the office at
Inner Works
Sunday Services at the Mission
Service: 11am – watch on our Facebook Page
Executive Leadership Team
Ken Kissick, CFRE
Hi, I’m Ken. My wife, Julie, & I are the Founders of Streets Alive Mission. Around the Mission they call me “Pastor Ken”.
I followed Julie to the work of the Mission, and for me it began by driving the bus bringing people from downtown Lethbridge to Victory Church before the Mission got its own building.
Looking back now, we can easily see how this was God’s call in our lives.
My work currently includes public & donor relations, and bringing awareness of the Mission’s cause to the community. It is a joy to be engaging more and more people each year in the work of bringing hope to the hopeless. The most important part of my role here is to have faith and never give up.
My passion for helping people find hope and then to release them into their destiny couples perfectly with the overall work of Streets Alive Mission.
Some of my memorable accomplishments include:
- Founding Streets Alive Mission in 1992
- Established Lethbridge’s first Emergency Shelter/Drop-in
- Established Lethbridge’s first Men’s Only transitional Housing Program – now operating as Parkside Home
- Established and operated a 400 kid per week outreach
- Queen’s Jubilee Medal Recipient (2013)
- Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE)
- Past-President of the Southern Alberta Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals
- Addictions Studies Certificate from Mount Royal University
- Part of the original leadership of what became The Miracle Channel
- Member of the original leadership team that established Victory Churches International.
What a joy to be involved in such amazing endeavours!
However, my most important accomplishments have to be my marriage to Julie for 45 years now, and helping to raise 3 great kids (now all adults).
Personally speaking, I’m an avid fan of the Lethbridge Hurricanes WHL hockey team, and I enjoy playing Bridge. In my spare time (WHAT IS SPARE TIME???) I enjoy golfing, gardening with Julie, spending time with my grandkids, and watching romantic comedy movies. I love liver and onions, driving school bus, and road trips to the mountains. Waterton Park is a frequent destination, and Ainsworth Hot Springs is my happiest place to be (aside from my home with Julie).
For me, hope comes from little things that God does everyday to make me aware of His Presence in my life, and there are MANY of those things.
“I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”
~Galatians 2:20
Julie Kissick
Hi, I’m Julie. I’m the Co-Founder of Streets Alive Mission.
Depending on who is talking to me, I’m also known as Pastor Julie, Boss Lady, Mom, and Wife.
As director of the women’s ministries, and pastor for the Mission, I believe heart ministry is the most important thing I do. Loving people is the primary thing for me.
I’m also the visionary at the Mission. I still carry a lot of vision for the ministries here even after 30+years, and especially for the work I hope to do with women.
Streets Alive all together is an accomplishment that I feel God had me do. I remember when He told me to start the church, the mobile feeding program, Foot Friday, women’s housing, the ASK Learning Centre. I think my greatest accomplishment with the Mission is the grace to be obedient to do what He said.
The Mission was born out of my own mission trip to Mexico where God broke my heart for poor and disenfranchised people. Shortly after, I was asked to drive the bus picking up people for a downtown service in Lethbridge which was just starting, and I was hooked! I am right where God has called me to be, fulfilling the purpose He has set out for me.
If you ever talk to me for any length of time, you’ll discover that I’m quite passionate about two things in particular:
- ministering to broken people, especially women, and
- giving people an opportunity to get to know, and get over their fear of, the community of addicted and broken people in our city.
The Mission is a big part of my life, but truly the most important things I have accomplished have been a long and happy marriage with Ken, the raising of our 3 children, and after that to be “Mom” to the streets.
Both Ken and I received the Queen’s Jubilee Award in 2013 for the social work we are doing in Lethbridge. I also have my Addictions Certificate from Mount Royal University.
I speak all over the place at women’s conferences like in Texas, England, Philippines, Thailand, and India, as well as in B.C. Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Nova Scotia. No matter how far I travel, my happiest place is still at Streets Alive Mission.
Personally speaking, I love to knit scarves for my friends when it gets cold in the winter, but I also have a glass studio where I make glass beads. The studio has 3 torches so I can teach others to play with fire. It’s amazingly very fun, and very relaxing (after I got over the fear of hot molten stuff)!
Another favourite pastime of mine is gardening. I love my flowers! They speak to me of creation and life.
What can I say, I also love dogs. I just can’t help myself! They help me find calm in the middle of the chaos of ministry. Always happy to see me, always showing unconditional love, just like God.
When I die, I want my headstone to say, “Julie loved God and loved people.”
What a privilege it is to work with broken people. It is an honour to serve them, and find that we are all the same under our skin.
Something which gives me hope, which we see at the Mission more often than you might expect, is when a life that was broken is now turning around and finding their destiny in Christ. The people I see daily through the Mission really do inspire me!
Cam Kissick
Hi, I’m Cam. I’m a Director here at Streets Alive Mission. I am responsible for staffing, programs, building maintenance, etc. The most important things I do are running the facility and all programs within. I’m in charge of basically anything and everything related to the “people” side of the mission.
I have always known more than most when it comes to Streets Alive due to the relationship with my parents, who are the co-founders. I worked for the organization for 3 years, from 99-02. Over the last 5 years or so, I have had a pull in my heart to get back to making a difference in the lives of those within the Mission.
I am a CPI certified instructor on non-violent crisis intervention, as well as a Red Seal ticketed journeyman in the trades. I ran my own company for over a decade. But my most important accomplishment would be my beautiful daughter Isabella.
I have a wide range of passions, but most of all it’s family. They are my passion and my hope. To see what my parents have been able to achieve, and look into the potential in my daughter’s eyes, has me smiling ear to ear.
My favourite winter activity is hockey. I’m a proud season ticket holder with the Lethbridge Hurricanes, and a die-hard Oilers fan. I also play rec hockey around the city.
Truth be told, I can be a bit of a shut in with my X-Box when it gets too cold outside. Games-wise I am a FPS guy. I have some friends I never see and we all seem to get together (online at least) come Oct-March for Call of Duty. We are not good at it, but we get to hang out and catch up with each other while we get destroyed by other much better players.
In the summer, I play a lot of golf and softball. I sit on the board of directors for Lethbridge Mixed SlowPitch Association.
I’d have to say that I am a Marvel guy when it comes to Superheroes. Spiderman probably my favorite, and a close second would be Batman from the DC universe.
As for quirks… My wife says I have the uncanny ability to always get my dishes to the sink, yet be completely oblivious to the dishwasher a foot away. I also have whatever the opposite of a green thumb is; Gardens are not my friends. Thankfully there’s no gardening involved in what I do at the Mission!
Jennifer Lepko
Hi! I’m Jennifer and I’m the Director of Fund Development here at Streets Alive Mission!
My job is to make connections with people, build partnerships, and seek out funds to support the amazing work of Streets Alive Mission.
I am passionate about people and advocating and supporting vulnerable populations, especially empowering women, and the fight against sexual and domestic violence.
My family is also something I’m extremely passionate about. I’m blessed to have amazing parents, brother, Aunts, Uncles and cousins. I have a remarkable husband who truly completes me, and three incredible children (Journee, Kariya and Jayger).
As cliché as it might sound, I really do believe that my most important accomplishment is being a Mom.
Over the course of my career life in non-profit work, I have obtained many diplomas, certifications, and completed hundreds (thousands?) of hours in training and courses, in pursuit of more and better methods of helping people. I love continuing education and learning. I believe education, in all aspects, can help bring perspective. I enjoy providing training and presentations as well as curriculum development.
Outside of my work at Streets Alive Mission, I am the co-founder of Kids Speak Out, a non-profit organization with the goal to collect and publish stories. The publications will be shared so that people with similar experiences will know they are not alone, and that victory can be had. Kids Speak Out gives an opportunity to see societal issues through the transparency and innocence of a child’s heart. Stories bring perspective and insight to hard issues we are facing in society today.
I enjoy travelling, when I’m able, and I have travelled to every province in Canada, numerous States in the US, and Mexico. I also love a cruise (pre-Covid). As much as I love to travel, I truly love to return home. Lethbridge will always be home.
My favourite Super Hero is Wonder Woman, of course. I grew up with Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman, and I saw her as strong, smart and determined. That’s pretty fitting for the kind of work I do on behalf of women and underprivileged populations.
My faith gives me hope even in the most difficult times. My motto in life is, “Be Kind Always!” We can never have too much kindness in the world!
God is within her, she will not fall;
God will help her at break of day.
~ Psalm 46:5


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