Streets Alive Mission Volunteers Recognized!
The Alberta Northern Lights Volunteer Recognition Program honours the everyday heroes who are helping to make life better in communities across the province.
On October 8th, four of our fabulous volunteers from Streets Alive Mission were recognized by the government of Alberta for supporting marginalized and vulnerable people during COVID-19.
Harvey and Kathy Pepneck – Bagged Meal Preparation
Harvey and Kathy Pepneck have been volunteering at the Mission for many years. They drive 100 km from their farm in to Lethbridge every Friday to make 120 bagged meals for distribution to the hungry on the streets.
Chuck LeBlanc – Community Donation Centre Set-up
Chuck Lebanc is the Board Chair at Streets Alive Mission. He oversaw the set-up of our COVID Community Donation Centre, at the request of the City of Lethbridge, to ensure that local agencies have access to clothing and hygiene supplies even with the pandemic restrictions. This collection and distribution centre has been crucial in helping the city to rapidly re-house many of the street population.
(See Chuck’s post about his Northern Lights Volunteer Recognition on Facebook.)
Bev Rempel – Segue Home Volunteer
Bev Rempel is a tireless supporter of Streets Alive Mission, especially the Genesis Women’s Ministries. She stepped up and volunteered to fill in at the Streets Alive women’s transitional home (Segue Home) during a time of staff shortage. As a result of Bev’s volunteering, the house was able to stay open without interruption, and the existing five clients could stay and maintain their recovery programming.
4 of Many!
Harvey, Kathy, Chuck, and Bev are more than deserving of the Alberta Northern Lights Volunteer Recognition award. We are SO very thankful for their time and efforts, especially in the face of the changes and challenges we’ve faced this year!
Congratulations & Thank You, Harvey, Kathy, Chuck, and Bev!
These great folks are 4 of the many who have made what we do at the Mission possible! Those who volunteer at Streets Alive Mission are truly a special group of people who have continued with us during the turbulent environment surrounding COVID-19.
Because of the good work of our volunteers, Streets Alive Mission is able to maintain our commitment to the marginalized and vulnerable population during a challenging time.
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